Welcome 2023!

Welcome 2023!

I know I'm more than a little belated in my welcoming of the year, but that's how it goes sometimes.  The winter for me is usually a time of hibernation and sometimes that kickstart for the new year doesn't always get to me right away.

I have made some resolutions for this year, though, which I'm working towards.  I am trying to do at least one event every month for this year.  This feels pretty ambitious but I already have 3 more months planned out so I feel pretty confident about it.  I'm hoping this will also help me get into a regular practice of making and playing so there are new things available at least a few times a year.

Most of my events will likely be in the Triangle (Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill) as it's closer, but I may branch out to some of the Triad (Greensboro/Winston-Salem/High Point) at some point soon as well.  I'm still learning the lay of the land down here, so I'm starting local and moving out as I get comfortable and find the places that I fit in.

In other news, the kittens are now almost two and very much not kittens anymore.  Banyan is a big boy who is all muscle but just uses it to get as much wet food as he can. Oh, and yell at reflections of the sun.  Copurrnicus is still smaller, but his criminal mind knows no bounds - I caught him chewing on my yoga blocks a few weeks ago.  He's the reason we have Bread Closet, where we hide any other crime-based foods so he can't get them.  I love them both very much, they are sweet little dorks and still as photogenic as ever.

Copurrnicus, an orange cat, sitting in a ball on blankets

Copurrnicus, all grown up even if he still looks like a baby

Banyan, an orange cat, in a basket

Banyan - he's a much bigger cat, but his tongue still sticks out most of the time

I've gotten to take some lovely trips recently - I went back to Connecticut to visit my parents in mid-January and at the end of the month my friends and I took a spur-of-the-moment trip up to Boone to do some stargazing so we could see the green comet.  It looked mostly like a slightly green fuzz ball, but we got to see lots of other cool things out there.  

 So I'm still trying to get my mind back in gear for another year.  I think this will be a pretty good one, or at least I hope it will.  Do you have any big plans for 2023?  I'd love to hear about them!

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